The simple fact is that the numbers won't add up unless the site is a raging success. Jim Bankoff, Vox Media's CEO, understandably wouldn't disclose budget figures to CNN, though he did imply that Vox's costs wouldn't approach eight figures. Even so, it appears I'm not the only one to notice a big problem with the notion of Klein building a new site: Wonkblog's traffic just doesn't warrant it, and Business Insider laid it out by comparing Wonkblog with Engadget, former staffers of which founded Vox's The Verge.
To sum up, there's an underlying misconception here: Klein didn't draw "fuck you" traffic. Perhaps the editorial folks thought that, but the money people understood perfectly well. Hence, Jeff Bezos refusing Klein's request for an investment in a standalone site.
(Image cc-licensed: "The blogger next door" by Matthew Yglesias)